Monday, May 17, 2010

i really wonder if its right for you to portray your ex boyfriend in such a negative light on your blog. he was the one you loved once, and im sure he loves you too. given that he didnt talk bad bout you that much as you do on your blog, i think you ought to reconsider the posts that you've posted.

you might not know me , nor think that i know you. but judging from an outsider's point of view, i think you've seriously crossed the line . writing stuff like that on your blog isnt helping or gonna prove that you're the innocent party . after all, everything's over now. considering that you hacked into his account, dont you think you're at fault?

honestly, its not my perogative to judge you or the relationship you once had with him. but just by reading those posts makes me feel you totally have forgotten that was the person you once loved. fast forward, all these shit happened and you actually think its alright to write those stuff? mmmm you kinda left me a pretty good impression of you huh. lol.

likewise, if you happened to pass this blog, you may refute all that i've written or like you said, if people arent happy with what you wrote, they can use their index fingers to click 'close'. sad to say, i chose to 'listen' to your side of the story and apparently, mmmm. just shows me what kind of person you are.

good luck to you, and may we never cross paths in the future. (:

and to all couples out there, never forget who you really and once loved, before churning all your leftover energy after any breakups to hatred and anger.



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