Sunday, August 16, 2009

currently waiting for the boyfriend to come online hehhh. i know im supposed to be studying but i thought i should get a well deserved rest tonight, before officially mugging my ass off tomorrow. probably gonna wake up early to start studying and annotating the CPC. lol.

and so, saturday's suntec auditions. pretty hyped up event, loads of groups like omgwtf have to wait damn long for the results cause there were so many groups. LOL. sometimes i wonder how the judges could take it , sitting at the judges table looking at so many different kind of routines, listening to 'poker face' and 'mad' more than once. lol.

my solo was pretty okay. somehow, the worried feeling dissipated once im on the stage . heh. i was actually pretty worried due to the music ( it was skipping at osch, but was working fine at home) . anyway it worked, and i felt good. in addition , nicole shouted 'james loves you' while i was dancing . my friends heard too, and its definitely something worth remembering. haha.

the stage this year , is shorter haha. same organizers , recognized the people . lol. alot of cute kids ! haha. my personal favorite was the mini bboy with the red cap and singlet that had this 'rubbing-face-with-the-hand' movement , which made gin and i laugh like crazy LOL. he's damn cute. i guess he got through! haha. (:

all the best to us , and the juniors. (: and to RS too!(:

went to catch a movie today . lol. GI Joe. action movie. wanted to watch UP , but the timings are screwed . lol.

i realised , i am very very mmm. how to say, uhhh. observant? lol. i have this uncanny ability to note who is looking at me , and who is talking bout me based on actions. lol. while i was walking along orchard, there's this malay girl looking at me . so i thought, nevermind . probably just a sweeping look or smth. then , she talked to her friend or smth, and both looked at me . and they were looking at my shoes. lol. so obviously they were talking bout me . LOL. and other instances too. heh.

okay nel just uploaded our item on fb. gonna go watch . updates later !(:



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