Thursday, July 16, 2009


i think my entry is long today. penned it down on a piece of paper, so im just gonna write it all down.

Ever wonder how you would realise that you've changed? the fact is , you dont ever realise it. its either having someone coming up to tell you that you've changed or just feel a lil different about yourself. it could happen during one fine day, or it could just swim across your mind .

today , there was a bible study going on in the library. specifically just opposite my table at the cafe. 2 girls. overheard the conversation because the lib's quiet. girl A was explaining the meaning of Thanksgiving. pretty interesting. lol. girl B was jotting down notes. what i assumed was, girl B's new to the religion . she gives out this weird vibe.. like she's skeptical bout the whole thing. i got kinda irritated at the start, when they arrived. girl B kept staring at me , like i've gotten some kind of disease. lol. i have no idea why , and i stared back . its the staring game. LOL.

so girl A started preaching. the meaning. i switched off my ipod and listened to her . (in a discreet manner of course.=p) its pretty true , like what she had mentioned. she said smth , bout you thanking God each time something good happens to you , or you're in high spirits but when it seemed like the sky is falling down , and everything is hitting rock bottom, you blame God and you complain. but just remember, when faced with difficulties, the more you should challenge yourself to overcome it instead of complaining and lamenting that God isnt helping. True?

though im not a Christian and its actually a lil uncomfortable to listen to their conversation, i cant deny that its actually true. anyway, i stopped at there. haha.
next was 2 kids. they were actually there before the 2 girls. kid A was hiding his mcflurry when he came. haha. he was like, putting it in his pocket or smth . lol. and then he sat down, after making sure the waitress couldnt see him . ate the icecream, oblivious to the fact that the ' no outside food/drinks allowed' sign was right in front of him. haha. kid B came , and placed two cans of coke on the table. Kid A continued with his ice cream and B with the coke. when the food came , kid A was trying hard to hide the ice cream beneath the table so that the waitress cant see. haha. but its useless of course. the waitress let him off, provided that he throws the can away . haha. so cute.(:

the cutest thing bout them was, kid B offered food to kid A, and it made me wonder if they're just friends , or siblings. its really really cute to see A burp loudly and both of them laughing their hearts out. such a heartwarming thing to watch actually. and somehow, it made me feel not so lonely. (:

this pretty sums up my day. lol. someone once said, deep thoughts run in chains.

waiting for my baby boy to wake up. poor boy, been up for his homework. :(

alright back to MLOCT.
sucks big time . BIGGG TIME.

ps. im here for you , shijie !(:



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