Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ever felt so demoralised, and you're unable to get up?
ever felt like, you're lost and you dont exactly know what to do next ?

i dont know.
it feels like that currently.

it felt as though i've just started dancing,
or rather, as though im just moving to the music.
all along , i thought its okay.
but its not .
i still suck.

it really felt like i cant dance for nuts.

how do i improve in such a short period of time ?
how do i push myself , when im sick, and coughing all the time ?
how do i convince myself that im not pulling my partner down ?
is there anything good bout me, or rather, do i have any strength at all?
all i hear are weaknesses..

you cant blame me for thinking like that.
i've a dope partner, and i really think he's good.
and it make me wanna improve myself.
but time and time again ,
i felt lousy.

tell me how to enjoy, how to feel the music.

definitely a bad time to think like that.

i wanna do well.
i really do. :(



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