Friday, November 07, 2008

Dear Joey ,

today is a special day . (:
it's the seventh .
sorry , i wanted to wish you on the dot , but i counted the hours wrongly .
you see , i love math but math hates me .
hahahaha .

i love you , very much .
thank you for everything .
four months now , we're still going strong .
remember april fool's ?
hahahaha .
oh and how you became a penguin ?
and our jumper fantasies !

you must remember to take your meals everyday okay .
at the right timing ! (not past midnight)
and also take good care of your back .
and your hand .
see .
you're in bad shape and i'm not around to take care of you .
don't be stubborn okay !
take care of yourself while i'm not there .
or i will nag and nag and nag and nag - which you love anyway .
heh !

i don't know why you're so sweet nowadays .
and i think i've pointed that out to you a hundred times .
but i want to tell you that i appreciate the things you do for me .
no matter how small .

i'll continue to wait for you to come home every night .
you like that right ? (:
even if you deny it .
i know you're happy because i'm one of the very few people who would do that for you .
and i'll cheer you up when you're sad .
no matter how tired i am i'll make sure that after talking to me you're happy again .

yesterday you asked me why i'm so nice to you .
it's because i love you my pretty baby .

Love ,
James .



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