Tuesday, September 25, 2007

CPR. on the stage.=D

my beloved girls.=D

this guy is nelson. super flexible and have loads of ideas to share.

this is kaiwen. emo kid but he's damn funny. has anther twin in the grp called FRANKIE.=X

this is frankie. pretty boy. funny guy and bring laughters to the grp=D

this is steph and yili.=D cute girls, willing to learn and just super nice la=D

this is gen. can sing and can dance. super talented.=D

HAHAH. this is pangyang. LOL.=X just a supporter. LOL=X

this is weirong. the guy with ' a humble opinion' LOL.!

this is junwei. danny's twin. LOL. the old man who's always compromising.=D

this is junji. a person who loves to observe. LOL.

this is royston. the bimbo in our grp. talented in hairdos. LOL=X

this is iris. the person with ONLY ONE expression.=x
she looked like she just finished her own concert can!=x

this is serene. super nice girl. willing to learn and forever taking pics! =D

this is meichin. LOL.=D retro girl. she looked so retro can! ahhaa=x

this is joycelyn. lovable girl. kudos to her for joining us in the perf despite tearing her tendon like a week ago. LOL=D

my lovable grp mates.
a day i will nvr forget.



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