Tuesday, September 09, 2008

its funny how this world works.
people love to assume, think bout themselves before others, and wants to do things their own way.
i had my fair share of watching people becoming like that, after i knew them. and its sad to see themselves not being aware that they've changed.

and i know you read my post.

if you think i've judged you based on that incident only, you're seriously wrong.
i thought you knew me. knew how i judge things.
so, you think i judged you through that incident?

please reflect.
i know you're avoiding me.
and i hope you're aware that so many people are trying to help you out here.
if u keep ranting, without realising what is the root of the problem,
then i guessed u've just wasted all of your friend's advices.
for you.

dont keep harping on the fact that, that thing happened.
have you ever thought of how that person felt too?
the world is not only about you.
a relationship is not only about you.
dont ask back the question,
'did he even think bout me too?'
dont bother asking.
ask yourself.
have u ever thought bout him too?

maybe it isnt a wise decision to blog bout this,
but maybe i should just bring the point across.
no matter how many people you told this to, it wont make a difference.
you can tell to the whole wide world.
but you ask yourself deep inside,
who will actually be the ones helping you?

i dont think there is any.
for you're not helping yourself in the first place.

ever heard of cause and effect?
i guess this is what is happening now.

and for your info,
let me share with you something .

X says something untrue/subjective to Y, about A.
Y and A are friends.
Y listens .
and listen.
and listen more.
in the end?
Y changes impression of A.
dont wanna be friends anymore.
or even if friends,
Y also harbours that impression of A inside.

moral of story ;

people's impression of each other changes.
no matter what.

i dont know.
maybe impression of him have changed.
for the worse, better, i dont know.

you can continue avoiding me.
doesnt matter.
but just let you know.

this is my advice for you.
take it or, leave it.



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